As opposed to The Path of Least Resistance, I think I will aspire to this new philosophy! Perhaps I have in some respects, no one sets out to make bad decisions. Whether they were calculated and well thought-out, or spontaneous and out-of-character, they seemed like good decisions at the time. If the end justifies the means, it can’t be all wrong, can it?
Yes, yes it can. Running headlong into a decision without thought of how it will affect you, and others, can set you up for the deepest and darkest of regrets. Icing out someone you love because of a perceived dis or criticism. In the quest for righteousness, leaving a wake of destruction in your path. Knowing right from wrong but choosing wrong. Maybe it was the path of least resistance, at the time full steam ahead. And sometimes, it’s too late for regrets, or validations, or apologies. When I saw this drawing of Grandma’s, Lady Macbeth, the first thing that came to mind was her regret. You can tell by her eyes that she is startled at what she has done, but they also show she knows it’s too late to make amends. So she is concentrating on getting out the physical spot, because she cannot wipe the stain on her soul away. This is just my interpretation of Grandma’s profound message. Of course murder in the quest for power is a bit extreme as an example, but it is Shakespeare after all! I do have regrets, oh boy do I ever. But I don’t ever want to make a decision based on a misguided loyalty to some ideal, selfishness, or pure laziness. It’s a difficult thing to judge regrets, particularly after the fact. Is it possible to make your choices based on The Path of Least Regret? Some choices are easy: don’t hurt, kill, abuse, neglect or steal. But some choices can be more challenging, “to do or not to do”. (See what I did there?) Passing judgement, being unfaithful, taking others for granted, choices like that can be justified. But just because they seem innocuous doesn’t mean they won’t cause regret down the line. So I’ll do the best I can, strive to keep all stains to a minimum. And keep my bottle of Shout handy…
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AuthorIf an inquisitive somebody were to demand a DNA analysis be done on the 3 sisters, he may not be surprised to find those twisted strands are coated with a healthy dose of printer's ink, given our pedigree and the many literary contributions from our maternal ancestors: Archives
October 2024